Bad Professor – ExtremeXWorld.Net

Bad Professor - ExtremeXWorld.Net

I got a great idea for an interesting story full of humor and perverse situations…. Mehehe (evil laugh). What will it be about?

Have you ever had problems with a university professor? I bet you do. This is one way to solve the problem. Hahaha.. You will be surprised 😊.

Author’s note: Don’t try it at home :-D.

News: I started using depth of field when rendering.
Holidays information: In July (1.7.-20.7) , I’m planning a vacation. This month will not be a full story, I’ll just try to materialize some HOT ideas for single arts or any requests from you. You can try sending me your suggestion. Something simple … with a charge of sex.

Comics contains 53 images + X-ray

ExtremeXWorld.Net – Creating 3D fantasy comics and animations

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